I reminded my mother about our first trip to the greenhouse at Mount Holyoke College when I was two years old and she wore the plaid coat she had made me out of extra cloth leftover from the one she had made for herself.
What I liked about this memory was its visual nature, but also the way in which something from her mother is repeated in her.
To begin this painting I did some searching online for images of both this greenhouse and others to capture the sense of profusion of greenery and the latticework of the ceiling. I ended up with the painting above.
I had actually contemplated several ways to approach this image. The challenge with any painting is just as we explore one option we close off others. The first mark we make on a blank canvas takes us one direction, rather than another. As someone who has always liked to keep my options open and resisted being boxed in, I especially struggle with that. It dawned on me recently that while I can't easily make the same painting serve multiple options, I can explore them independently. Nothing but myself boxes me in. After all Monet didn't feel he could only do one take on the Rouen Cathedral or the haystacks.

After an initial painting of each memory, I plan to tackle each painting from a different vantage point, literally. The original greenhouse painting placed me within the greenhouse. What if I create the viewpoint from outside and let the glass steam up? A misty, scene presents itself. Then I take my finger and write in the steamed glass, "Cut from the same cloth". The parts that fall within the letters are sharper, little glimpses within. I took a first run at it and came up with this initial result. I already have some ideas for the other paintings in this series. While it is part of my larger memory series, I can imagine exhibiting it by itself titled From Another Vantage Point. Hmm, perhaps a bit ahead of myself...now to paint.
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